This was a fun wedding to photograph! Four years ago I had some time off work and my sister was home from school. Olivia (who does a great job with photography herself, you should check out her page on facebook: Olivia Irene Photography) asked me if I would be willing to shoot a wedding with her over Christmas vacation and I said sure. The wedding was in metro Detroit and we arrived a bit early, not only were we the first people at the church, but we couldn’t even get in the building. Having some time to kill Olivia and I went over to the hall and got a lot of the detail shots out of the way early when we weren’t trying to keep an eye on the bride and groom.

During the wedding I was able to get one of my cameras set up on in the choir loft looking down over the ceremony and was able to use my remote trigger to fire the camera while I moved around on the first floor. After the ceremony the reception was a blast, Victor and Michelle loved to square dance so there was a lot of dancing like that. It was the first time I shot a wedding as a second photographer, and I will say it was pretty nice not having to edit all of the photos afterwards! 🙂 Take a look at the photos below and let me know what you think of them in the comments!

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