K’s getting so old! I’ve been taking pictures of this family it seems quarterly for the last few years, and I have been happier and happier with how the pictures have been turning out.  This session went so well, and K handled the shoot like a pro!

This session was done at my “studio” (read living / sun room). We recently built a house and this is the first time I’ve been able to utilize it for a shoot. We were able to hang a muslin from the second story walk way as a white backdrop for K, but as toddlers do, she wanted to be on the move. I’ve read that when photographing children, some of the best shots are when you’re just following them and letting them be in their element, and that is the case for K. She really liked our sun room with the big windows, and the natural light let me get some great shots! Here’s a quick sample of the photos I took! If you like them please feel free to share my page!

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